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Published on November 25, 2007 By EHolman In US Domestic
Have you seen the bumper stickers? "Proud to be an American!" they proclaim. A little geography needed for some people, I guess. Guess what, our good friends, the Canadians, are proud to be Americans. The Mexicans, too, proud to be Americans. Why even the Chileans, Cubans and good God, the Venezuelans are proud to be Americans!

I guess some folks missed that day in class when they talked about North America, Central America, and South America. We are the United States OF America. America, the broad geographical region of the western hemisphere.

I've noticed that the "Proud to be an American" types seem to wrap themselves in the flag, proclaim America as a country of God, play the national anthem and appeal to emotional patriotism. "America" is not a religion, people, try as you might to make it one.

The United States is a country, with a system of government, created by men, inhabited by people from all over the world. It is not a perfect system of government, just one that has worked pretty well for 200+ years. It, and its constitution, are not gods to be worshiped.

I am personally thankful to God I live in the United States. I have the freedom in this country to say that. But this country also provides the freedom to deny the idea of God, and to live like there isn't one. So to wrap the flag and God into one big corndog is ignorant.

Proud to be a United Statesian.

on Nov 25, 2007
Which of those others actually has the name America in the official name of their country?

Perhaps your comprehension skills have been clouded by political correctness. If you say "American" to anyone anywhere in the world they will know exactly what country of origin of which you speak.

Basically your whole point here is asinine to an incalculable degree.
on Nov 25, 2007
Damn, I'm starting to agree with LW more and more. Beware the Four Horsemen!
on Nov 25, 2007
United Statesian just sounds retarded

on Nov 25, 2007
Proud to be a United Statesian.

Erm.....Proud I don't live in Jersey! Or Pittsburgh.
on Nov 25, 2007

What about "Vespuccians"?


on Nov 27, 2007
I know exactly how you feel. When I lived in New York City people would refer themselves as "New Yorkers". Apparently they missed class the day they talked about states. What about New York state? Western New York and Upstate New York. New York the Eastern state.

I would tell those people you are a Manhattanite or a Brooklynite.

I am personally thankful to God I lived in Queens. I have the freedom in this city to say that.

I'm proud to be a Queen.

Wait, that doesn't sound right.

Never mind.
on Nov 27, 2007
United Statesian just sounds retarded,

Plus, there's the "United States of Mexico" and various other American nations with similar titles. So you could feasibly call a Mexican a "United Statesian" because they, too, are citizens of the United States.
on Nov 27, 2007
Plus, there's the "United States of Mexico" and various other American nations with similar titles. So you could feasibly call a Mexican a "United Statesian" because they, too, are citizens of the United States.

Well, that's the whole problem. You never actually came up with the name of a country.

You live in a country with no name. You are "The United States" in "America" (because you were the first actual union governement in the continent of America).

Btw, Canada's full name is, originally, the "Confederation of Canada", but we changed it to "Federation of Canada", since centralized power is stronger than individual ones.

United States of Mexico
Republic of France
The United Kingdoms of Great Britain

United States of America? naaaa. I mean.. oh man, I just tough something. See you in the thread "America's future expansion".